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Re: [LUG] Webring (OT: modem sounds)


On 29/05/18 21:34, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:
On Tue, May 29, 2018, 20:05 Simon Waters <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do we have to emulate v90 modems with audible handshake for 20 seconds before anything works? You realize that was because no one read the manual to find the code to disable the sound...


I always advised people to leave the sounds on. After a while you're become accustomed to the "normal" sounds you'd hear on dialling up, and if their machine had been compromised with something that changed the number they were dialling, they'd know something was up because it would sound different.

Grant. :)

Even more [OT] but what seems like a very long time ago I was a phone phreaker way before I got access to computers. That's a lost world now in the era of digital exchanges and VOIP but if you want a window into it this is one of my favourite websites of all time. Warning: many, many hours can be effortlessly written off at the following link:




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