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Re: [LUG] Linux Training


On 21/01/18 12:11, Andrew Kendall wrote:
> As a windoze user on a PC I'd be interested in moving to Linux so training would 
> most certainly be of interest.

I agree with others here,ÂÂ Linux mint is great for beginners and has an
excellent manual.  Dual boot to begin with. Question now is were do we

Identify hardware on your current computer, mobo, bios type, does it
have ufei, if you need help with this we can help,Â

What are your needs,and requirements, are you using anything windows.
e.g graphics software, that has specific features not found in the free
software world,ÂÂ audio / video editing for example.Â

Where do you live in relationship to local meets, or more to the point
local meets that you can get a PC into,

www.dcglug.org.ukÂÂ has a list of meetings (see under about page menu)

I don't mind helping people but prefer to do this as part of the jam as
there is a group of us there. That way others can help. As I run the
jam helping people 1-2-1 is very hard as I end up having to leave you
and meet / greet or deal things.ÂÂ

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: list [mailto:list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Neil
> Sent: 21 January 2018 11:52
> To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [LUG] Linux Training
> Recently I met a newcomer to this area who turned out to be a Linux user. He told 
> me that he carries round a USB stick with a live version on Linux on it so that he 
> can demonstrate it to anyone who asks about it.
> This got me thinking. I read recently that Linux has about 3% of the desktop  
> usage now, which seems very low. Yet how do we help to increase that? I know that 
> if someone came up to me to ask me if would be willing to teach them to use Linux, 
> I would be a bit baffled and worried. Where would I start?
> There are so many questions. A new computer, an old one, dual boot? 
> Which distro? Should I install Linux first for them or should that be part of the 
> learning process? That is just for starters.
> I believe that some members of the list are keen about getting more people across 
> to the Linux world. So I am asking, does anyone have any experience in this area? 
> Any pointers, suggestions please?
> Thanks,
> Neil
> --
> The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG 
> https://mailman.dclug.org.uk/listinfo/list
> FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq

Paul Sutton

Torbay Tech Jam - 2nd Saturday of the Month at Paignton Library

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/listfaq