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Re: [LUG] Native Linux Data Recovery


On 07/03/17 05:48, M. J. Everitt via list wrote:
On 06/03/17 19:51, mr meowski via list wrote:
On 06/03/17 19:24, Julian Hall via list wrote:
Hi All,

A friend has a 2 HDD NAS in RAID 1 configuration. He suspects the NAS
box itself is dead because he cannot read from either disc separately.
Obviously he needs to recover the data, but ZAR (Windows) is not able to
recover anything. We think that's because the drives are Ext3 formatted.
Is there any native Linux recovery software we can try? Asking here
first because I know I'll get decent help backed up by actual experience.
Exact NAS make and model please chief, it makes a big difference
(vendors like to use lots of odd slightly non-standard disk setups
unfortunately). How big are the disks?

Your best bet is to immediately remove them from the NAS and worry about
that later, presuming the data is what matters. Connect them to a Linux
machine to proceed - if in doubt use the systemrescuecd as your recovery
environment as it comes with a vast swathe of filesystem and storage
drivers that will more than likely be sufficient. You will more than
likely find that simply attaching both disks and booting to
systemrescuecd or any suitably tooled up Linux distro will be sufficient
for the environment to automatically detect the RAID setup, optionally
fsck any damage and recover the array.

Report back for further help as needed, I've dealt with more than a
couple of failed NAS boxes before.


I had to fix a failed Netgear NAS and it turned out the underlying FS
was btrfs .. just as a FYI.  But mr meowski's advice as a first port of
call is definitely worth following!

Hi All,

Thanks for all the advice. The culprit turned out to be a dead BIOS battery, once replaced the NAS came to life in Windows on the same box but not in Linux. The root cause being that the loss of BIOS power reset it to DHCP not the static IP address it was set to. Windows just scanned the network and found the NAS without displaying the IP address of course. Running nmap showed the current IP of the NAS which of course was not as expected. Once that was sorted everything returned to normal and data recovery not needed after all.

Kind regards,


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