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Re: [LUG] Powerbank PB 12000A and a Raspberry Pi


On 17/10/16 11:52, Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2016, M. J. Everitt wrote:
>> On 17/10/16 10:53, Gordon Henderson wrote:
>>> On Mon, 17 Oct 2016, M. J. Everitt wrote:
>>>> On 17/10/16 08:28, Richard Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I am hoping to use this:
>>>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/EasyAcc-12000mAh-Power-Bank-Ports-Black-Silver-4-USB/dp/B008YRG5JQ
>>>>> to power a Raspberry Pi and touchscreen. Is it going to be powerful
>>>>> enough please and what should I plug the Pi into. I have 5v0.5a,
>>>>> 5v1.3a, 5v1.0a and 5v2.1a.
>>>> 12000mAh I would hope .. else you're gonna be carrying round a very
>>>> heavy suitcase!!!
>>> 12 Amp hours isn't unreasonable for these devices. I have a pair of
>>> 15,000 mAh Anker units. ie. 15 Amp hours.
>>> This:
>>> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Anker-PowerCore-Portable-Double-Speed-Recharging/dp/B01JIWQPMW/
>>> Looks like a very good deal right now.
>>> Gordon
>> The joke was on the part number .. 12000Ah would indeed be a suitcase,
>> but nvm Gordon ...
> The part number in the URL is 12000mAh.
> Copied from the headline on the Amazon page:
>   EasyAcc 12000mAh Power Bank (4 USB Ports)
> Now - I am dyslexic to a degree, but I can see the 'm' in both of them.
> Gordon
*points to the Subject line in the thread* ...

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