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Re: [LUG] Holsworthy Meeting


On 13/09/16 12:21, barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On 13/09/16 00:54, M. J. Everitt wrote:
>> On 12/09/16 08:41, barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> These weeks go by so quickly. Another meeting due at the White Hart as
>>> usual next Saturday at 2 pm. Hope to see someone there.
>>> Neil
>> Will see if I can't get over .. one of my free weekends in September!!
>> Cheers,
>> Michael.
> Look forward to seeing you. Do you know Holsworthy or would you like
> some information about where we meet etc.?
> Neil
I've been working in Holsworthy for a few years now, and a friend told
me that the group meets in a corner at the back or some-such :) any
further direction would be cool, but I'm sure I'll find y'all ;]

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