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Re: [LUG] OTT PCI DVB-T freeview card


On 04/07/15 21:02, Steven Côté wrote:
> If you can find a dvb-s2 card with drivers in the mainline kernel,
> you're better at this than me. If I was starting from scratch these
> days, I'd just get a cheap freesat box; it's easier and cheaper.
> If this is for other people, I say stop worrying about it and just buy
> in a solution.

And this is exactly what I'm talking about. Stupid, stupid Linux crap
that I just don't want to deal with.

Satellite dish (was Sky, deal left over a year ago)
A computer. I can do anything with this.
1080p screen + 5.1 surround fed by a receiver. I can pump anything I
want to this via HDMI/coax/etc

What I (i.e.; other people) want is the full range (aka: FreeSat: 200+
channels of rubbish) on that physical setup. Yes, I could just install
Sky or something at each property but we are talking about seriously old
people with literally no money here. I reiterate:

I have exactly this:

A bunch of old crappy properties with ancient, deactivated Sky dishes
Some random computers
A minuscule budget (my own pocket basically)
Some old people who'd like their TV not to be as ancient as they are

Please god let there be some £50 FreeSat box with decent outputs, the
like of which I  can feed into whatever random $LINUX box I choose.

Anyone? 'Cos I'm drawing blanks on this.


PS: If anyone pipes up and says "MythTV" I'll kill them. MythTV is not a
panacea, morons. Yes, I already have it running. No, it doesn't do any
of the things I want it to do. Shutup already. Are we clear?

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