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Re: [LUG] OT: phone/ADSL woes


It's a wet and windy day. This may be relevant. (Years of living at the end of a bit of string strung through devon hedges has taught me this...)

If the ISP is Zen, they're a bit broken today: http://status.zensupport.co.uk/active/5/3505
(Our primary ISP. Fortunately I have a backup talktalk at home or I'd be climbing the walls by now)

One answer; Have a new line installed. It's not as expensive as you might think (talktalk and others with 12 months contract paid up front - I found it very affordable). Course, you then have two line rentals.

On 27 April 2014 17:05, Martijn Grooten <martijn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Nothing to do with Linux really, except that I'd like to get back online
with my Linux machine.

So our phone line has always been a bit noisy. Occasioanlly this caused
the connection to drop (especially when the phone rang), but it always
came back within a minute. Yesterday the phone rang and the connection
went down... and hasn't come back since.

ISP says the line is fine from their end and the BT quiet line test does
show a bit of noise. All of which suggests there's too much of noise on
the line and I need to call BT and tell them to sort it. Which I will

But I am (probably naively) hoping there's something I can do in the
meantime, given that the line has, despite its problems, given us
Internet for six years. Something I can reset, something that might have
triggered the noise to become too much.

Any ideas?


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