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Re: [LUG] Virtual box


On 14/04/14 20:48, George Parker wrote:
> I'm having trouble getting Vbox to see usb running Win XP. I run Mint 16
> and had the supplied version 4.2 running with guest additions. I thought
> the extension pack might help but had compatibility issues.  So, I
> installed latest version 4.31 with guest additions and extension pack
> with no joy.
> Anybody any suggestions? Could it be that my mouse is usb so not
> allowing the guest to use it?
> George

I take it you mean "4.3.10"? Presuming that you are using the official
Oracle package (not the OSE version) and have the extension pack
installed, you shouldn't have any problems: I have several XP instances
running in VBox on Linux hosts with no issues. Did you fully purge all
of the old versions of VirtualBox prior to installing the latest version?

Is your problem that you can't map physical USB devices to the XP VM
properly? That works here as well.

Clarify a little bit so we can get to the bottom of it.


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