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Re: [LUG] 20130201 reliable computing


On 03/02/13 15:07, Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Feb 2013, Peter Lloyd-Jones wrote:
>> On 1 February 2013 17:15, e-mail greybear2k5
>> <greybear2k5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>> I have a 40 year old working analogue computer, results are not too
>>> precise but near enough for many uses.
>>> It's called a slide rule.
>> Hi Jimbo
>> But  they never managed to solve the floating decimal point problem!
> I don't recall floating point being a problem when I've used slide
> rules. The knack is to be able to work out the right magnitude of the
> result in your head then work from there.
> So - Pi * 724 is going to be 2 thousand and something, so about 2270
> on the slide rule: http://unicorn.drogon.net/slide.jpg
> Hm. It's a bit grubby. Maybe I ought to clean it up a bit.
> Gordon
Oooh! I remember British Thornton.

I've got an AD 150 I used at school....really fancied one of the
cylindrical ones though.


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