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Re: [LUG] Strange Problem 2


On 20/12/12 17:37, bad apple wrote:
Okay, I re-read your original post and you have an AMD A4-3400, which is
definitely supported. There are actually quite a lot of threads about
this online, and it's not a game stopper.

Is it actually the case that your Mint installer won't boot graphically
at all? If that's the case, it's related to kernel mode setting, which
you can disable right in the installer to get a working X.

I still need to know:

What version of Mint are you trying to install (you should be using the
latest, i.e., Nadia/14)
What flavour of Mint (Ubuntu based or the Debian rolling type)
What is your install medium (DVD/USB)?

I will eat my proverbial hat if I can't get you up and running on Mint
in short order.


My Mint installer won't boot graphically. I really want to install Mint 14. I run Mint 13 cinnamon on What I regard as my master machine and want to try the update to 14. I have Mint 14 Cinnamon/Mate on a USB which is recognised, no problem.

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