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Re: [LUG] GSM Modems for sending SMSs


On Tue, 18 Dec 2012, Simon Avery wrote:

On 18 December 2012 17:54, Matt Lee <mattl@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I know many of the US networks have an email to SMS service, does
something like this exist in the UK too?

It does, but it ain't free. (Maybe on some networks, but when I tested
some gateways published, they didn't work).

But there are many cheap email -> sms gateways, well established, and
interfaces built into various things. Although I went the direct route
for my system, had I not had a spare sim and dongle it would almost
certainly have been cheaper and easier to just use a gateway.

But where's the fun in that? :)

These gateways need a working Internet connection, and if it's that that your monitoring, then you're sort of up the creek as it were :)


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