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Re: [LUG] Logitech C310 - no sound


On 04/03/12 12:15, Ray Smith wrote:
> root hub
> So the webcam microphone is found. I am wondering if it is muted
> somewhere. Perhaps it could be that simple if I could find where!!
> Thanks
> Neil
Finally getting somewhere.

Today I found a web site which helped me.


I ran the video and followed the instructions. I now have sound on both
Cheese and Skype. For some reason guvcview is not working at all
properly. I can go through the motions of recording a video and it saves
as an .avi file but it won't run. When I try to run it in VLC it just
sits there doing nothing. Still photos are fine.

I also notice when using Cheese that the sync between mouth movements
and speech is out. Is that to be expected?

Thanks for all the help so far from everybody,


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