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Re: [LUG] meeting saturday 9th


On 08/07/11 17:34, Rob Beard wrote:
> On 08/07/11 17:03, Paul Sutton wrote:
>> Hi
>> Just to remind people the next lug meet is Saturday 9th July,  details
>> are on the lug website events / meetings page
>> Paul
> I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make this one, however I
> understand it's the Preston Picnic tomorrow, I'm hoping to pop along to
> that one so if anyone is going down then maybe we could have a mini meet
> up.
> Whatever happens, have a good meeting, someone from the Torbay Freecycle
> group on Facebook expressed an interest in coming along to the meeting.
> Rob
Preston Picnic is on Sunday 10th July



Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

Open Mic nights - Wednesday 8pm to 11pm (14+) Free entry
Breakin' Ground - Street dance for young people (8+) Wednesday 6pm
(starts May 11th)

The Lighthouse,26 Esplanade Road, Paignton
01803 411 812 or e-mail  info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for more info.

17th September 2011 - Software freedom day

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