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Re: [LUG] New recruit for DCGLUG ??


On 28/05/11 13:13, Gordon Henderson wrote:
>>> I'd probably look at an ultra low powered device, but these are
>>> typically ARM based - the next best thing is 4-5 watts for an ALIX
>>> board. That's a 500MHz AMD chip that runs Linux OK.
>> Just to warn that, according to the LUBUNTU site (Rollys e-mail) 
>> Ubuntu (and hence xUbuntu) support for the AMD geode (ALIX boards ) is
>> to be dropped.
> I have to say, I'd really really not want to put a "proper" Linux distro
> on one of these devices - for starters there's no video hardware! I have
> my own embedded variant which I use, but there is a distro dedicated to
> them I think (Voyage Linux IIRC) and this look promising too:
> http://www.imedialinux.com/

There is a Embedded Debian HowTo floating around for them as well.


Looks like Voyage is a better trodden path for this hardware.

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