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Re: [LUG] Flash


On 25/03/11 19:36, Simon Waters wrote:
On 25/03/11 08:53, George Parker wrote:
I'd go along with this if it was just flash.  I have problems with Skype
also (see another recent thread) and just playing videos.  It all seems
to be linked to AMD 64 2 core Athlons.  I also have an old Thinkpad
laptop with an intel 32 bit processor  which runs both flash, Skype and
anything else I throw at it with no problem.  This is currently running
PCLinuxOS very happily.
Can I suggest you start a thread which described all the problems you
are having, the hardware you have, the software you have installed,
including versions of applicable software.

Also check if you are using the latest versions of everything (Flash
have a 64bit Linux client these days, which is probably the software to
use even if it is a "preview" release).

Please get technical, problems "just playing videos" is not a useful
problem descriptions, which type(s) of videos (a lot are flash these
days), is it reproducible, can you link to a video that always produces
a problem. Is that problem something crashing, going slow, no sound,
picture looks wrong? Similarly "problems with skype" is not useful for
diagnosing what the issue is, similar comments apply.

Probably someone can help, or at least describe a similar hardware
set-up that doesn't have these issues. Although I fear being a 64bit
user outside of Windows does mean Flash support is rocky, could be worse
you could have bought an iPhone :)


Sorry about that Simon, I just mentioned it in passing in the hope that someone already has a silver bullet. Just knowing that flash is flakey as mentioned by you and Philip is enough for now. It would take several hours work to look into the problem, especially as it changes with updates to Debian, so I'll live with it for a while and see what happens.

Meanwhile the sun is shining (or it was), the birds are singing, there are bathrooms to renovate and a house the size of a - er - house to paint and seeds to plant and pubs to visit and ..... goodness me, it's winter. I must look into that flash problem.


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