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Re: [LUG] UK - Closed Source Stronghold


On 29/03/11 12:21, Guy Backhouse wrote:
> Maybe the tax I refer to as the illegal tax (it's an EU tax and we
> haven't had a referendum!) of VAT has a lot to answer for the problem;
> Microsoft charges and the government get massive tax revenue so only pay
> lip service to open source with on substance to back up the cause.
> Guy 
> On Sat, 2011-03-26 at 14:15 +0000, Gibbs wrote:
>> Just came across this (havent read the register for a while):
>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/03/25/open_source_steve_george/
>> I would have to agree. Does anyone have any theories on why that seems
>> to be the case for the UK?
>> Gibbs
I am not sure,  but I think as we have said before and agreed, trying to
change things at local government level seems to be failing so trying
toget the same at a national level is also going to fail.

Lets target lower down, the actual end users,  people that don't need to
fork out on expensive proprietary software, as for people here this is
working once people are converted to OSS and are happy they tell their
friends and they tell their friends,  as long as there are people
willing to offer support.

I am not however saying abandon the local / national government
campaigning just hold fire see if we can change the culture lower down
the scale which may force change higher up.

We have the open disc which is a good starting point we have install
discs and more importantly we have the desire to help people who are
open to our help.

I am not sure if any of the people I invited are coming to the next lug
meet, if they do we have a chance to talk to people and spread the word,



Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

Saturday 2nd April 2011 - Linux user group meeting, Shoreline Bar and
Paignton Seafront,  from 14:30 if you drop in From 15:00 members will be
available to
talk to you about how perhaps Free and Open Source software can save you

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