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Re: [LUG] Devon pretends to listen


On 27 September 2010 22:48, Grant Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 22:19:07 +0100
> Chris Bunney wrote:
>> On 27 September 2010 22:03, Grant Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 15:58:05 +0100
>> > tom wrote:
>> >
>> >> http://toughchoices.co.uk/
>> >>
>> >> If enough of us comment on FLOSS for savings....
>> >> One or two at each meeting would be interesting...
>> >> Tom te tom te tom
>> >
>> > Might be a daft/stupid question, but why is Plymouth not listed?  Is
>> > Plymouth not part of Devon?
>> >
>> > Grant.
>> >
>> Plymouth has it's own City Council, so isn't covered by Devon County
>> Council.
>> Chris
> Exeter has its own City Council and is still listed.
> Grant.

It seems that some services within Exeter are delivered by Devon
County Council, as per these 2 articles, although it seems that's
going to change in the near future:

"The super-council proposed by the Boundary Committee would be
responsible for services that are currently split between the county
council and Devon's eight district councils such as schools and
waste." - from the 2nd link

Although I have to say, I didn't see Exeter on the list when I glanced at it


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