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Re: [LUG] BIOS Settings


On 15/08/10 09:29, tom wrote:
On 15/08/10 08:45, Neil Winchurst wrote:
On 14/08/10 19:30, tom wrote:
If your cmos is dying your should find dates set to 1/1/2000 or similar
Normally on resetting dates etc in the bios and re-booting the settings
will be kept as the power supply should keep the data alive - you can
tell when its lost as it normally tells you.
Check the CD boots in another machine - its probably that rather than
the bios
Tom te tom te tom

Thanks Tom. I have just checked the date ('date' in a terminal screen)
and it is correct. I will try the CD in another machine as suggested.


Of course if it does boot on another machine it could be the CD on the
If there is a floppy on the first then "smart boot manager" might help,
or the old move the hardrive to another machine and install it there...
Tom te tom te tom

I have just tried the same CD on my laptop and it works fine. (It also served to remind me how much I hate Gnome.) On the desk top the CD/DVD drive works fine once the machine is running. So I don't think it is the drive or the CD. I will have another look at the BIOS.


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