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Re: [LUG] Socket A cpus?


On 19/05/10 19:18, tom wrote:
Got an old motherboard with a 1.25Ghz Athlon (socket A in it) and
looking to put in a faster one - any one know a retailer
Tom te tom te tom

Ahh, does the board support Athlon XP CPUs?

At 1250MHz my guess is your existing CPU is an Athlon XP 2000+ (which should run at something like 1666MHz). It's possible that your BIOS might not support the existing CPU as it is, so maybe try updating the BIOS first and then crank the front size bus up to 133MHz then the chip should run at 1666MHz.

As far as getting a quicker CPU goes though, your best bet might be trying Freecycle or eBay. IIRC the Athlon XP goes up to something like 3000+/3200+ which top out at about 2GHz or so. Anything above that you're looking at a new motherboard, CPU and possibly new memory.

Depending how much you're looking to spend, if you don't have much luck, PC World have an Athlon 64 3200+ bundle deal in at £50. It's a Socket 754 CPU, motherboard and I think CPU fan. It'll take DDR memory so if you're lucky and have DDR Ram rather than 100/133MHz SDRAM then it might be a cheap upgrade (rather than replacing the motherboard, CPU, memory, fan and PSU).


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