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Re: [LUG] New router


On 29/04/2010 20:25, Julian Hall wrote:
> me:  Uh, no in kilobytes?
> cmr: How do I find out?

Ah ha! memories
One company I worked with in 1995 had all traffic locked. Company
systems down.
A director had tried to send a document, over 60MB in size, and his
comment. "email is to send documents isn't it!".
In those days we had to have ISP disengage the account, destroy and then
Educate users to know how they can play before giving them toys with
which to play.

Eion MacDonald (eionmac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Electronic mail is not secure and may not be authentic.
 If you have any doubts as to the contents please telephone to confirm.

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