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Re: [LUG] OT: Windows 7 is FREE (according to Dell)


Rob Beard wrote:
NW wrote:
Yes, they are expensive, but good specs. I have not looked at Novatech,
so thanks for that. It would be very useful to find suppliers who sell
laptops without an OS. When I suggested to my local computer dealer that
he could refurbish old laptops and offer them without an OS he said that
he needed to have an OS of some sort installed in order to test them out
first. Good point.

Yep the Linux emporium specs are fairly good and I tend to find that Lenovo and Asus machines tend to be a bit more expensive. I think Novatech would be more appealing to folks who are looking for a mid spec PC for web browsing, e-mail etc who don't want to spend the earth, saying that though I would presume a lot of people would just go to PC World or Comet and buy a machine from there.

One option for non-OS PCs is eBay. I bought my machine on eBay with no OS, and even though the supplier has their own website and RL shop, the kit they sell on eBay is considerably cheaper for the same spec. As always on eBay - and indeed any online supplier - of course mileage is variable depending who you buy from, but I was lucky in that I bought from a supplier someone else I knew had purchased from with no problem.


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