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Re: [LUG] Any FreeSat HD users?


Gordon Henderson wrote:

I don't have an HD TV yet. I'm just wondering if it's worthwhile jumping on the bandwaggon - and to see if it might improve picture quality before I invest in wn HD TV. Right now I have a bog-standard bottom of the range sky box with no sky contract.

It sounds like I'm not really going to see any improvement though, so I'll save my money and wait.

Nope, I'd say not unless you're willing to pay Sky, even Virgin have a fairly poor selection of HD channels (and paying £75 for the box plus another £5 a month unless you go for their top TV package has put me off somewhat).

I dare say in the future things will improve but personally as I don't want Sky (not that I can get it anyway) I'm kinda put off getting any HD box (Freesat HD, Sky, Virgin or Freeview HD when it comes out) at the moment. I'd possibly invest in Freeview HD (or a couple of DVB-T2 tuners when they come out and are supported in Linux) if the price of the kit comes down (I don't want to pay going on £170 for a Freeview HD box).
But then - if everyone is lowering their bit-rate anyway it just makes a complete mockery of the whole HD thing and I don't watch DVDs offten enough to invest in the whole blurray thing either.
Yep, the only reason I went for Bluray is because we do watch a lot of TV shows and movies, mainly it's imported stuff from the US and thankfully a whole load of Blurays are multi-region and will play on UK players. Some are region locked, but there seems to be a lot of them which aren't available over here which aren't region locked such as one of my favourite's - Chuck. Even the wife's Harry Potter Bluray box set (bought from HMV in Torquay) appears to be a re-badged US copy (it comes up with an FBI copyright warning when you start the disc).


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