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Re: [LUG] OT:Agricultural Census 2010


richard wrote:

 if you only get a ton of wheat you are going very wrong somewhere!
commercial potatoes should produce about 20 tons/acre, and beef 300kg
livewieght or more. By the way feeding household waste to pigs is now
The waste from an allotment is not household waste. The other figures are without additives here up a hill in Devon. I can do 300kg beef in 1/4 acre if I was a complete sadist and wouldn't eat that myself. As for potatoes I can get a ton off a 10*10m plot if I can get to them before the blight does - which is nearer 50 tonnes/per acre.
for their justification  of their  method see 
Thats for the anual survey - this is a 10 year EU survey I'm worried about.
Tom te tom te tom

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