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Re: [LUG] Best place to buy netbook when leaving the country


Hey Rob and Michael,

Thanks for your thoughts, i have also done a bit of reading including that hmrc link) and as i can see it it simply wont be worth it as i should be able to find about the same price via mail order. on top of that i wont be out the country for 12 months so wont qualify - therefore i will look in NZ but will probably just buy online in the uk - generally speaking due to price competition in the uk means there are better prices - that doesn't mean there arent bargains to be had if you look.


2009/10/12 Michael Mortimore <nospamformike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 19:10:22 +0100, Chronoppolis <chronicdee@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

quick question, i am travelling back to new zealand in a month until next
year and was thinking of buying a laptop before i left depending on if i
could claim back my VAT. I have an inkling that this requires the purchasing
of the netbook from particular VAT registered dealers? am i correct in this
understanding and if so who in your opinion would be best? otherwise anyone
know of a particularly good price on a samsung nc10 n110 or asus one (i
think its what its called?). these are the ones i like. Well my favourite to
date was the asus s101 which i thought was gorgeous and if i could get at a
good price definitely would.

this is what I can find on the subject.

As I understand it:
-you must be out of the country for more than 12 months and be able to prove your intent to do so (your visa for example).
-It's a voluntary scheme so the retailers aren't obliged to join in
-you must make your purchase in person, so no online stores.
-You need to fill out a form 407 at the time of purchase
- customs have to validate the form as you leave the country.
- You then claim a VAT refund from the retailer.

I don't know who's signed up to it and there doesn't seem to be any handy list on the interweb. I'd imagine department stores like John Lewis are the likely candidates.  TBH, it wouldn't surprise me if you could get it cheaper online without a refund. Maybe you can get one cheaper in new zealand?

If you're keen to follow it up, I'd suggest you just go through the yellow pages, phone everyone and ask if they're in the retail exports scheme.

The easiest option might be to get it duty free at the airport. Just ring the airport and ask what they have.


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