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Re: [LUG] OT: VM Fibre to the cabinet trial in Saltash


On Thu, 8 Oct 2009, Chris Tipney wrote:

Currently at least 5 times a day we loose the ADSL link - but it always comes back if you dial out on the line - 30 secs on 1571 is enough to 'wake up' the ADSL link, I don't know whey it works !

Still only  1/2 to 3/4 Mb at best.

I presume you've gone through all the "best practice" stuff to get the best you can? New NTE5 - dicsonect all extensions - run extensions off a filtered faceplate, (new) router on a short lead from the faceplate, etc.?

A friend of mine was having intermittent connections a while back - changed router from a relatively old one, and it's been solid ever since.. I suspect the PSU was "wearing out" ...


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