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Re: [LUG] Kubuntu manual


Rob Beard wrote:
> Paul Sutton wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> John Hansen wrote:
>>> Canonical reply to my question about a manual for Kubuntu:
>>> "There is no printed user manual for Ubuntu."
>>> This seems to be a rather poor situation if they want more
>>> to use their version of Linux.
>>> John W
>> what about
>> http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html
>> ok its more for ubunty,  but kubuntu is still ubuntu with kde so perhaps
>> there is a kde manual around somewhere.
>> This is something that really needs to be addressed,  manuals for
>> windows 7 will be out before its released, no doubt,  so the linux
>> community must really catch up in this respect.
>> Paul
> It has been addressed, there are plenty of books available covering 
> Linux as there are for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.  There 
> isn't a free manual for Windows 7 as such, just online help.
> Rob
True.  In my reply I was thinking of manuals as in 'books actually 
supplied with the product', but for OSs you're right - there are lots of 
third party books.


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