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Re: [LUG] Virgle - A joint Google & Virgin Mars colony


Rob Beard wrote:
> LOL.
> Well they've already got Windows for War Ships.  God knows how we all 
> haven't been blown to kingdom come by a rogue IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL I 
> don't know.
> Rob
MS:  Hello Microsoft Technical Support
Admiral:  Yes, hello.. my flagship sank when I engaged the CIWS[1]
MS:  What were you doing at the time?
Admiral:  Trying to shoot down an Exocet
MS:  Did you reboot and try again?
Admiral:  Erm.  The ship is in 600 feet of water.
MS:  So...Did you reboot and try again?
Admiral:  Uhh.. NO.
MS:  Is this the first time this has happened?
Admiral:  No the ship sinks quite often.. what do YOU think?
MS:  I must remind you sir this call is being recorded.
Admiral: *expletives*
MS:  What exactly happened sir?
Admiral:  Several incoming missiles appeared on radar and approached to 
close range.  I ordered the CIWS energis...
MS:  Why did you do that?
Admiral:  Erm.  To shoot the missiles down?
MS:  What order did you turn the systems on?
Admiral:  Huh?
MS:  If you turn the targetting system on after powering the turret 
servos the unit will not operate.. it's on page 79 of your user manual...
Admiral:  *expletive!!*
MS:  Sir I must advise you if you swear again I will terminate this call
Admiral:  *grumble*
MS:  Now then sir, did you turn to port prior to executing the 
energising of CIWS?
Admiral:  !?!?!?  No.. why should I?
MS:  I'm sorry sir that's not on my list.. I'll have to arrange a 
callback for you.....
Admiral: *%^$£&@#'~ your callback
MS:  I have warned you sir I am now terminating this call.



[1] Close In Weapons Systems - last I read they were controlled by a 
customised Win2K.. aka Windows for Warships

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