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Re: [LUG] OT: Telly signal quality


Quoting Tom Potts <tompotts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> I've been down here a couple of years now (only 58 to go to be accepted as
> possibly human!) and over that period (especially during high pressure) the
> picture quality on our analogue boxes has gone down enormously.
> I put this down to the attempt to lever people on to digital - has   
> anyone else
> noticed this or is just my health paranoia?

Not sure, I think Arqiva have been moving things around on the  
transmitters in preparation for the Digital Switch Over.  I've had  
some ask me about it with regards to Gold on 954Khz in the Exeter area.

Personally I use Freeview now, although our analogue reception was  
pretty good (nearly on par with Freeview on ITV the other night when  
watching Corrie).

> I would also like to note that we have a couple of holiday cottages   
> so we have
> had to upgrade to satelite due to complaints - never could understand why
> people would want to stay in in Devon!

Oooh I wish I could get satellite TV (all that lovely free to air HD  
which most probably won't play on my PC even with a quad core CPU).   
Can't get it due to some trees being in the way.  I'd happily plant  
extra trees if these trees blocking my line of sight were trimmed.

> All I can say is I've never seen such appalling programs and digital seems to
> be pearls to swine ( program creators that is) and I now watch a lot less
> telly. Something you are all pleased with I'm sure...

I'd agree with telly being appalling.  There's only so much I watch on  
TV now, most of it seems to be repeats or reality TV.

> Got to go and install Linux on my old ZX81 now...
> Which reminds me - I'm trying to make a Smartbootmanager floppy and all my
> media is duff - anyone make me one please pretty please?

If you still haven't managed to sort one out I'll try and dig out a  
floppy for you (my other half insisted on a brand new floppy drive on  
her PC).  It would have to be 1.44MB 3.5" though, I chucked away the  
old 5.25" floppy drive years ago (no doubt if I got another one it  
would work though).


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