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Re: [LUG] ms office, openoffice and vista


Grant Sewell wrote:
> On Sat, 01 Mar 2008 19:58:41 +0000
> Paul Sutton <zleap@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I just wondered if MS office and Openoffice can co-exist on te same 
>> system running vista,   having openoffice on the system, will make my 
>> life easier as I use that at home and have club related files in that 
>> format.
>> If they can co-exist then it will make life much easier.
>> Thanks
>> Paul
> I have virtually zero experience with Vista, but I can say that
> MSOffice 2003 and OpenOffice.org will sit happily together on XP.  Just
> be aware of the whole "default application" malarky... if it is only
> you that wants to use OpenOffice.org out of everyone using that 'puter,
> and if you'd get your head chewed off for it being "different", then
> make sure you get Windows to open things in MS by default.
> Grant.
Will do, IIRC this means not to set open office to use ms files by 
default,    which is easy enough to do,  (just uncheck the boxes),  I would
rather not use Vista or windows,  however as this may be a club 
computer,  I have no control over  what OS is installed,  (if I took a 
computer down to the club it would run Linux,  full stop,  but that is 
more for legal reasons,).   As I can't afford to donate a computer + 
windows without at least getting someone to cover the cost of Windows.   
Given the cost I could kit my whole team with equipment or new playing 
kit for the cost of windows.

Hopefully i can get Open office installed, to make life a little easier, 


Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
as used by openoffice.org,  http:///www.openoffice.org

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