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Re: [LUG] Open Source event in Bristol 5th Feb



On 25/01/2008, Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Paul Sutton wrote:
> > Rob Beard wrote:
> >> Hi folks,
> >>
> >> I noticed this on the Ubuntu-UK mailing list, not sure if anyone might
> >> be interested?
> >>
> >> http://www.bristolwireless.net/wiki/index.php/SocialSourceSouthWest
> >>
> >> I doubt I'll be able to make it myself but maybe if someone from the LUG
> >> could make it they could pick up some ideas for a similar event in Devon
> >> & Cornwall.
> >>
> > If they don't hold anythng this side of bristol it kinda proves what I
> > said earlier,  nothing happends this side of bristol
> >
> Well I'd say that some of Bristol residents think that the South West
> ends at Bristol.  To be honest, I wouldn't consider them the South West,
>   I'd consider Cornwall & Devon more South West, but that's just me.
Being a Bristolian born and bred I would point out that the world
doesn't exist outside of Bristol. Not dis-similar to the Hobits notion
of life!
Kind regards
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Romans 12 v 1

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