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Re: [LUG] E-gov projects, OpenID and ID Cards


On Saturday 19 January 2008 09:56, Neil Stone wrote:
> Yup, I saw that a while ago and thought the same thing.. I have been
> following the debate about ID cards for a while now and I'm still
> undecided. I would be happy if no one single entity had all of my
> details, but I can see the advantage of it (providing it's not the
> government, they lost our details on the whole missing CD thing a while
> ago).
The problem is that the data is worth a lot more to thieves than it is to the 
'holder' so its always going to 'leak'. People are quite happy to spend a few 
years in prison for crime, they're going to be more than happy to work in a 
company for a few years until they can nick a few identities and collect 
millions in a few clicks.
Be afraid of ID, very afraid.
Tom te tom te tom

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