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Re: [LUG] NHS Healthspace - Firefox users need not apply


Tom Potts wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 December 2007 08:56, Clare Shepherd wrote:
>> On 19 Dec 2007, at 07:53, Dave Berkeley wrote:
>>> Just another example of inept Government IT projects.
>>> https://www.healthspace.nhs.uk/cbintroduction.aspx
>>> You can't book an NHS appointment online unless you are running IE.
>>> There should be a collection of these sites somewhere. A rogue's
>>> gallery.
>>> Dave Berkeley
>> Firefox connected on my Mac, is it at the booking stage it fails? If
>> so I agree with you entirely. However, maybe the recent losses of
>> data will make the government rethink spending our money on yet
>> another lousy Windows oriented database, i.e. the identity one. Who
>> now is going to trust any government with more data than you
>> absolutely have to.
> I'm afraid the problem is due to the lie that M$ sold themselves on. Windows 
> does not make problems easier. It helps with a few things but doesn't help 
> you think.

"A thinking user is a threat - SUE!" - Microsoft (maybe).

There is a lot more to this - the entire philosophy of dumbing down
computers (actually just the UI) to the point where the user doesn't
need to use their brain ends up with computers that are less useful than
a calculator. It's why I like stories of people installing a proper OS
on "customised" computers like games consoles. It's such a waste of a
computer to only give the user only four buttons to control it.

Computers should encourage (require?) users to think. Yes, make the
fundamental parts of the UI intuitive but intuitive does not mean

"Computer says no" is an indictment of the software as much as the user.
The software should make it possible to find out *why* and what needs to
be changed.

Yet the opposite extreme is still in evidence too - I've lost count of
the bizarre error messages I still see in MS products, along the lines
of Error #2F23D2C12A00B in (exec_lkkf_werw:werew) OK? (or worse, the
same nonsense error message and OK|Cancel - cancel what?)

> As a result the last twenty years has produced a glut of IT 
> consultants who 'no nothing' but can format it well and maybe do a mail 
> merge. 

MCSE - Might create s***e excuses

> I'd be happy with the Government using W$ databases - I just wish they would 
> contract a company who had more engineers than lawyers so they might actually 
> attempt to create useful systems rather than make sure their legal arse is so 
> well covered that they don't need to write a line of code to get paid!
> Tom te tom te tom

And how is such a company going to survive when this is exactly how MS
is structured?


Neil Williams

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