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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu


Simon Robert wrote:
> user friendly is not subjective.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

See Nielsen, Norman, Faulkner et al whose lives' work centre on 
Usability.  If it was a subjective issue I would not have just sat an 
exam in which 50% of the mark was on HCI [1] and design with a bias 
towards user friendly design :)  If user-friendly is subjective, then 
attempting to design something to be user-friendly is a lost cause.

In a nutshell 'user-friendly' means anyone from a novice to an expert 
can pick up the item and be able to make use of it, either by its' 
similarity to other items they have used, or because it is intuitive.  
*massive etc goes here* :)

If the meaning was 'one person finds it easy to use and another 
doesn't', that doesn't mean user-friendly is subjective - it means the 
item was badly designed to start with.

Kind regards,


[1]  Human Computer Interaction

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