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Re: [LUG] Upgrading Debian


Ben Goodger wrote:
> On 4/12/07, *Neil Williams* <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     apt vs apititude is only a matter of personal preference but yes, you
>     do need 'update' before either 'upgrade' or 'dist-upgrade'. upgrade is
>     for day-to-day usage (e.g. via cron-apt) and it will prompt you about
>     adding new packages as dependencies of packages being upgraded.
>     dist-upgrade will proceed with installing the new dependencies without
>     prompting.
> Nope... aptitude has superior dependency resolution and is the official
> recommendation when using an APT frontend.

Interesting. Just how is the dependency resolution superior? Surely
dependency information is contained in the individual package information.

I've been training people in Linux and been telling them that apt-get
install and aptitude install are identical.

I've always used apt-get personally.

  .~.   Mark Brier - Open Source Tech Consultant
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