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Re: [LUG] Advent - Booting Kubuntu


Try pressing F12 during the boot sequence, before windoze starts. On most
x86 based PCs, that tells the initial BIOS driven sequences to create a "One
time boot menu" You should be able to select the boot device from that. I
have tried it on several different makes.


-----Original Message-----
From: list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Richard Brown
Sent: 03 March 2007 17:06
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [LUG] Advent - Booting Kubuntu

Hi Guys

On 03/03/07, Julian Hall <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- assuming you don't have one of
> those horrible custom loading screens like I had on my old Sony.  I
> don't remember how I got past that one.
Guess what! That is why I was hoping to boot from within Windows!
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
Romans 12 v 1

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