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[LUG] Children in Need event (and new venue for LUG meetings)


Hi folks,

I checked out the location for the Children In Need event yesterday.  
The event will be held at The Music Mill (www.themusicmill.co.uk) on 
Bradley Lane in Newton Abbot.  For those of you who don't know where it 
is, it is located near the new Asda store in Newton Abbot.  I will try 
and post a map in a bit, but if you're wondering, the post code is TQ12 
1LZ so you should be able to get directions from Google Maps or Multimap 

We are going to be using the conference room at The Music Mill and we 
can also use other offices if need be.  They have an 8Mbit internet 
connection which is wireless capable.  The only issue I can think of 
with that is getting a wireless connection working on a Linux box so we 
can share the connection out amongst a few PCs.  I do have a Netgear USB 
wireless adaptor which I can bring along if I can get it working.

I was hoping that the event could start at 10am and go on until about 
5/6pm.  We can take some stuff along on the Friday night to get them setup.

I can bring along the following to the event:

Epson printer with CD printing capability and lots of ink.
12/24 port 100mbit switch (can't remember if it is a 12 port or 24 port).
Laptop running Windows for printing CDs
Athlon 64 Desktop PC running Ubuntu Edgy
Celeron 3.2 Desktop PC running Kubuntu Edgy
Athlon XP 2000 Desktop PC running Xubuntu Edgy

2 or 3 spare 17" CRT monitors

CD and DVD images for Ubuntu Edgy, Xubuntu Edgy, Kubuntu Edgy (AMD64, 
i386 and PPC versions)
CD and DVD images for Fedora Core 6 (i386 version and possibly AMD64 and 
Various Live CD images (Puppy Linux, Knoppix CD/DVD, Damn Small Linux)
The Open CD ISO (I was thinking of making a version branded to the event 
with the LUG contact details on it too)
A few Linux format magazines (for visitors to have a look at)

I'm trying to think what else we need.  Ed will you be able to bring 
some CDs and DVDs along?

I was wondering if anyone could possibly donate something for a raffle 
prize?  I might try some of the local computer shops and maybe even SVP 
to see if they could donate something in return for a free plug.

I am hoping to a couple of posters later on and start printing some 
off.  I thought since this event is going to be more than just a Linux 
install day and that we'll be providing copies of OOo and Firefox (and 
other wonderful FLOSS software) for Windows it might be worth putting it 
under the OpenDevon name with a link to the OpenDevon web site.  From 
here we can put a link to the Devon & Cornwall GNU/Linux User Group so 
hopefully once the visitors have started to see the benefit of open 
source software they can then look to move over to something more stable 
and virus free!

I have managed to talk a couple of people into coming along.  I have one 
person from work interested in going over to Linux on their old Packard 
Bell P4 1.5GHz PC.  They were complaining it was slow (it was running 
Windows ME and was littered with spyware and junk) so I explained that 
Linux might be a better option for what they use the PC for (web 
browsing, e-mail, pictures etc).  They're going to bring the PC along 
for the Linux upgrade.  I also have another PC to do for one of the 
Gemini presenters.  I know he does a show on Gemini on a Saturday but I 
might be able to get him and his co-presenter Charlie to come along.

If anyone else can bring along a PC/Laptop or whatever or just come 
along to talk to visitors about the benefits of FLOSS and Linux then 
that would be great.  99% of the people I have spoken to about Linux are 
interested.  The 1% was someone who tried it for 5 minutes and decided 
they didn't like it, it's their choice I guess.

When I have a poster together I'll put it on the OpenDevon web site.  It 
would be great if you folks could maybe print one off and see if you 
could get one in a shop window or even just mention the event to 
friends/family/work colleagues/school friends etc.

With regards to the new venue for LUG meetings, I did ask about using 
the conference room either on a Saturday morning or weekday evening for 
LUG meetings.  Rick says this is okay and would charge about £15 to 
£20.  I thought maybe we could do a fortnightly meeting here, maybe one 
during the week in the evening (say 7pm onwards) and one on a Saturday 
morning so more people could come along?

Considering the location and the fact they have internet access I 
thought it would be a good place to have for a venue.  How does this sound?


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FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html