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Re: [LUG] Issues with DSL router - getting stuck


On Tuesday 31 October 2006 11:44, exetmp03 wrote:
> Hi this is getting quite embarrassing but I amhaving great probs
> connecting to an ADSL router
> Anyone any ideas what is going wrong

Sounds like your router is crashing. Try doing a factory reset on the router 
and reconfiguring it - that often helps with such problems.

> Also has anyone managed to get rtl8139 eth working with FC5 and equiv, I
> seem to remember an issue with it that I fixed before

rtl8139 is the one of the most popular and best supported network chipsets in 
the world; you should have no problems with it on any distro - if you are 
then it probably means that the distro's broken. What problem are you having 
with it?


David Johnson
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