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Re: [LUG] Flash 9 beta


Ben Goodger wrote:
> Except switching to GNASH from Flash 9 defeats the point of upgrading to
> Flash 9, as GNASH is likely to remain inferior to Flash 4 for a hell of a
> long time.

The point being those who have unsupported platforms aren't "switching
from Flash 9 or Flash 4" they don't have Flash at all.

> Frankly there are some times when we must abandon Stallman-mania
> and return to sanity and realism - i.e. use the EvilProprietary(tm) version
> of the Flash player _when we want to_ and not when it becomes Free(tm).

But there is no evil proprietary player for those platforms.

I was just suggesting if they want one, they should support Gnash, so
that at least they aren't in this situation the next time they upgrade
their OS, or what to make a change that isn't backwardly compatible to
their OS.

I think that is Linus style practicality ("what no binary API"), than

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