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Re: [LUG] handwriting recognition


On 10/10/06 14:20:36, Simon Waters wrote:
Neil Williams wrote:
> the only
> way it can ever work is for *people* to relearn how to write
> clearly and above all, slowly.

Slowly -- what compared to modern CPU cycles?

Speed, in this case, isn't about CPU resources, it's more about clarity. The faster a human tries to write, the poorer the quality of the individual letters formed - generally.

I don't mean to crawl over the drawing area, more to *think* about the letter being formed and try to ensure the shape you draw is as clear and unambiguous as possible. Generally, this means writing slowly and methodically - like a primary school child (without pressing too hard).

The movement needs to be smooth and drawing / writing quickly tends to encourage two problematic behaviours:
1. Lifting the stylus whilst drawing.
2. Continuing into the next letter without moving the stylus back to the left edge of the drawing area.

I think maybe alternative methods of input are the answer.



Neil Williams

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