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Re: [LUG] Email clients


On Mon, 22 May 2006 23:15:43 +0100
Ian bell <ianbell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > 
> I still don't understand. Maybe this is a problem with your ISP. With 
> my ISp I can set up any number of xxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailboxes and 
> on my linux box I use Mozilla just to get mine. On her widows laptop 
> the wife uses some widows prog to do the same and in the workshop I 
> run another Linux box with its own email. Now my ISP lets me set up 
> different passwords for these accounts so maybe that's the difference?
> Ian
I suspect that this is a wildcard problem (see other email). My ISP
will accept anything in front of @holsdev.vispa.com. I will check it


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