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Re: [LUG] Demon Internet


On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 11:46:11PM +0100, Julian Hall wrote:
> Different problem of course, but the moral is: Hit them with the biggest 
> guns at your disposal.  As a rule I've found that *smelly stuff* obeys 
> gravity, and the higher you throw it the harder it lands on the target.  
> (As an aside, Rob you might try this with Eclipse).  Companies are 
> allergic to politicians and as soon as they see correspondence "cced to 
> xxxx MP" they panic and will do anything to avoid the bad publicity and 
> aggravation.
Try www.moneyclaim.gov.uk

Court action is one hell of a gun: if nothing else a company will hire a
solicitor to defend itself, which is time and money

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