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The hassle-free solution is to dump the modem and get a router instead.
Bit more expensive, but guaranteed to work with any operating system (well
any one with networking anyway).

The nice thing about a router is that it's a generally a self-contained
little machine with embedded Linux pre-installed on it. You simply plug it
in to your existing network (usually and configure it using a
web browser interface.

Obviously you don't want to hear this as you've just bought a new modem...


Craig said:
After over 6 months of fighting with my BT VOYAGER 100, I've given up.
Tried everything to get it to work with LINUX and to get rid of Windoze.
Talked to BT and they are sending me a VOYAGER 205, Ethernet modem, for
of course.  Is there anything special to set this up?  I would think with
Ethernet connection to my main machine it would do most the work and I'd
have no problem with Linux.  I get the modem on Friday, I guess I'll find
out then.


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