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Re: [LUG] A debian diary

On Sunday 14 Nov 2004 15:34, Neil Williams wrote:
On Sunday 14 November 2004 1:18 pm, Sadie Brinham wrote:
Thanks,Tony.That was a really enjoyable read.I'm in much the same
position with the development edition of Yoper.I'm not sure whether there
is an AMD 64 version of Debian,but I do know Woody didn't take too kindly
to the TFT monitor on the Duron.It was going so well prior to that.

My first port of call in ALL such situations in Knoppix. If Knoppix works,
Debian will work, it's all down to the config. With a working Knoppix
XF86Config, you're half-way home.

"Yeah-but-no-but-yeah-but"...Yoper stable is perfect.No bother with hunting 
down S_ATA drivers,either.

Can't help wondering why the same Sax2 config doesn't work on SuSe 

Just out of curiosity,I'll boot from me Knoppix CD.See if I experience an 
ephipany-think that's the right word.

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