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Re: [LUG] sendmail rejects

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Adrian Midgley wrote:
| On Saturday 10 July 2004 11:45, Simon Waters wrote:
|>So the spam will come from elsewhere - so the benefit is only ensuring
|>Paypal scams come from Paypal employees and crackers, or paypa1.com
| Effective spam will come from where it says it comes from ...
| which exposes the spammer/scammer to a significantly increased
personal risk.

Only if everyone implements SPF - otherwise effective spam will come
from everywhere that doesn't use SPF. SPF helps off load the work for
people being job jobbed. Similarly domains will be registered for the
spam, or spam will be sent via the clients existing email relays using
their own credentials.

The problem is the vulnerable machines - if you can improve general
security to the point where the number of vulnerable machines is more
managable the ISPs could clean it up.

I think whitelisting is much more likely to succeed as it provides a
much bigger benefit to those adopting it - i.e. virtually no spam -
where as SPF requires a critical mass before it is more than biting at
the edges.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Debian - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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