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Re: [LUG] Perl: need to add path to @INC

On Saturday 02 Aug 2003 7:39 pm, Adrian Midgley wrote:
> I'm looking in the wrong places, obviously, how do I do that,
> please?

Usually I get this message when a module isn't installed - Perl is a little 
cryptic in this respect. Instead of telling you it isn't installed, it says 
it can't find it. 

If you have the module you are trying to use (the first part of the message 
should indicate it) you can put it into the cgi-bin or if you have root 
access, install it using CPAN.
perl -MCPAN -e 'install section::module'

The message can also come up if the script uses require for a local library 
file and you are trying to execute from the command line.


Neil Williams


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