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Re: [LUG] CSS reference extended, as requested

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Adrian Midgley wrote:
> On Wednesday 25 June 2003 16:47, you wrote:
>>Can screen-readers not cope with tables?  What is it about CSS
>>that makes it easier to "read"?
> I believe they are not very good at it.

Ignore screenreaders for a moment, set your minimum font size to 14pt,
on an 1024x768 display, the following URL is totally unusable, as the
continue button is hidden by the other cells.


The "text only" version is no more accessible.

So one gov site totally fails on accessibility, despite the mark-up
being "almost" correct, by dint of using tables and frames.

Most visually impaired people use ordinary browsers, but take advantage
of features like minimum font size, or local style sheets, (or anything
else they can figure out how to work!) to avoid having to strain their eyes.

The validators at www.w3.org explain most of the common mistakes, and in
most cases why they are evil, and how you should do it instead.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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