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Re: [LUG] http://www.sttechnology.co.uk/

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Kai Hendry wrote:
> On Thu, May 01, 2003 at 10:36:14PM +0100, Rick Timmis wrote:
>>If it works Why Fix it ?
> Problem is Dreamweaver is broke. Macromedia is just as bad as Microsoft.

I think the crux of the issue is if it isn't standard compliant it is
broke, you just don't know where and when it will reveal it, like a bug
in a program.

You can argue well the rendering works for you on Netscape, Mozilla, and
IE, on the specific versions you have tried, with the specific fonts you
have installed, you might accept that as good enough, but you have no
reasonable expectation it will work anywhere else, on AOL, on set top
boxes, on mobile phones, on other current browsers, on things that come
later, on browsers for the visually impaired, on older browsers.

It IS bust on Mozilla 1.2.1 on Linux, and the Lynx rendering has no
hyperlinks links at all and no contact details, so I haven't read
anything linked under the menus.

Nick would usually add that exclusion of the visually impaired may also
be a legal issue, but I think this is a side isse, the RNIB are more
interested in getting co-operation through education than legal remedies.

Not that I'm one to throw the first stone as far as web site design is
concerned. I have a mate in Norwich with years in graphic design and
type setting who can make them pretty but broke, I prefer correct but ugly.

The way to go for most businesses are tools that produce pretty and
correct websites from contributed text and images, source news from 3rd
party sources, etc. Although tools that produce correct markup are the
exception in my experience.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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