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[LUG] Tuesday teaser: httpd

Hello.  Anyone got any thoughts on this?

I am trying to *test* two CGIs (Perl) that I know to be okay on my 
home box.

My attention to detail when installing and setting up Apache has been 
religious; I have read the HOWTOs, www.apache.org and I have Running 
Linux here as a textbook ref.

httpd.conf had the cgi-bin scriptalias location as /var/www/cgi-bin 
so I thought I wouldn't change that.

Now, let's consider the simplest script imaginable, such as:

echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo "<html>"
echo "hello world"
echo "</html>

Does anyone have any anecdotal suggestions, perhaps based upon 
experience, as to why that won't print 'hello world' in my browser?

Here's the stuff I have already thought of:

- Permissions.  Recklessly granted to anything even faintly related.
- Is httpd actually running?  Yes.
- Is the code okay?  Yes.
- File extensions?  Tried 'em all.
- Is the bit about listening to commented out in .conf? No.
- Generally, is httpd.conf okay?  As far as I know.
- Is Apache finding the .conf file?  Yes - I am specifying it at CL

I reckon I'm missing something here - any thoughts?

Just to clarify again:  I am not trying to serve a web page here 
(well, I am, but only to myself), this is a testing exercise.

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