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[LUG]Re: surplus equipment needing a home


Thanks Michael that is brilliant.

Rich Brown
Youth Worker
07546 804439
On 10/03/2024 15:39, Michael Everitt wrote:
There's a reasonable chance if Jules doesn't get any further offers, that I can package up any surplus to send over to you...

Any other bidders so far!?

I'll let you know what there is, and a couple of postage options for you once I have weight/size finalised!


On 08/03/2024 17:16, Rich Brown wrote:

I am starting projects with young people and Pi's but I can't get there. Is it possible to pay postage?

Richard Brown
Youth Worker
07546 804439

On 8 March 2024 11:44:54 GMT, Jules Jenson via list <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

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