daveoxford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx is big on solar cookers. I have resources for building stuff and am working on small vertical axis wind turbines at the moment (not yet on website) .
www.cnccraft.co.ukHope that is of use.
Sent from my Android phone with
mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
On 17/02/2024, 23:10 Rich Brown <rich@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Guys
This is very off topic but I thought you might be able to help. I am building a small holding at Fowey River Academy secondary school and whilst a lot of it is practical education, there is also taught lessons. The area will be off grid and so I will be teaching students how to generate electricity. I am trying to find kits that will enable the students to build something and then see it in action. Do you know of any resources that will help please? I am thinking along the line of:
Hand crank to generate and store electricity - use different methods - attach to a bulb and see which method is better
Water wheel
Solar in some way - possible in cooking as well as electricity
Any ideas please? Thanks.
Richard Brown
Youth Worker
07546 804439
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